Tell Orlando

Tell Orlando about the cat or pet in your life. What is their name? How long have you lived with them? Tell us three things about them. You could also:

  • Post something on Twitter (@AutumnVoicesUK) or Facebook (@AutumnVoices) and tag us, using the hashtag #TellOrlando
  • Send us a very short story or essay (less than 1500 words) or a poem (40 lines or less) about your pet for us to publish online, along with your details
  • Tell us about your favourite book or film about animals or let us know your favourite animal pun (Orlando is purr-ticularly fond of puns) or animal expression (Orlando objects to the phrase, ‘It’s raining cats and dogs’.)
  • Send us an anecdote about a memorable holiday you’ve taken with a pet, or an experience working with animals.
  • Tell Orlando in what ways a cat or animal has contributed to your wellbeing. It would be great if you could illustrate anything you write with a drawing, painting, collage, whatever (please photograph it and include a file to send to Orlando).
  • Challenge yourself! Orlando is dedicated to catering for education in CAT. Orlando challenges you to communicate to him a short paragraph in which as many words as possible have ‘cat’ in them.

We’ll be featuring new Tell Orlando content on the Autumn Voices website monthly.