Your Memoirs – “A Great Lady”

My memoir has to be of Princess Diana the joy of her wedding day and Oh, that dress with the long train and the little page boys. What she must have thought going up the aisle of Westminster Abbey to meet her prince. A fairy tale day for all with not a cloud in the sky. The joy it bought the British people and the Commonwealth. A new beginning for dress designers Emmanuel to young people starting out in business to have their work on display. The elegance of the occasion with an off-white dress with leg of lamb sleeves and that beautiful Tiara, worn by Diana.

We had so much hope for Charles and Diana as they took their first steps as husband and wife. Alas the fairy tale did not last. I often think about this and wonder about Princess Diana, if she had survived what a wonderful intelligent human being Diana would have become and what a wonderful grandmother. What an asset to the country she would have been in these turbulent  times of unrest.  

Times change and life moves on The Emmanuel’s who designed that beautiful dress for Diana on her wedding day their dreams fell apart to as their marriage also did not last. These memories stand out clearly in my mind bringing memories of the 1980s. The time of high fashion the Sloane Ranger look fashion with high neck blouses and wavy feathered hair styles every woman one wanted to copy Princess Diana.

Submitted by Chistine Law, Wolverhampton

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