Quick & Quirky Questions with Patti Landmann

Patti Landmann is retired from the life of a business manager. She enjoys woodcarving, photography, writing and travel. She has been married to Henry for 58 years. Two lovely sons, one angel, and three grandchildren. She enjoys life and nature, butterflies and birds. Friends and memories are both her cache of treasure.

Tell us 4 important facts about yourself:

  1. I am haunted by the idea … ‘I want so little, I want so much, I feel so empty, I feel so full.’ For some time, I have been beyond bothered by thoughts or feelings that are quite confusing in that they are conflicting and yet so true and honest and that they have been in my mind for perhaps all my adult life. One would think by now that I would have reasoned them out and decided on one or the other, but this is not the case. And to further explain, I do not mean in alternating ways but rather simultaneously. Yes, it is a totally complete thing for me to want little and want much, feel empty and feel full, but how can it be possible to deeply feel such opposite things at the very same time? I do not even have the beginning of an explanation and have come to believe it just is!
  2. I find comfort in strange things. Example – it is early, very early but I consider it the best part of the day. I love to push off into fog banks in my kayak, drifting in and out of clear and dense fog. I look up and see the bluest of sky, but around me I am enveloped in a silent grey mist of nothingness. I dip the paddle silently into the lake and move on ahead, the only sound is the water lapping the hull. I see bits of shoreline come and go and then the feeling of perfect calm returns.
  3. I am currently totally enthralled with learning to write Haiku! I find it confusing but fascinating at the same time. I’m never sure if it is Haiku or not!


Night, devoid of light
Crickets, owls, a distant train,
Lonely sounds, sleep again.


The silence woke her
Sound gone, except her own breath
Moments before death!
  1. I have a great fear that the pandemic will ruin my final passion in life. I want to spend a few months or maybe as long as I’m healthy living on a narrowboat and cruising the canals in the UK.

What is your favourite age that you’ve been so far in life, and why?

Somewhere between age six and eleven! Why? Because I was comfortable in my own skin. I lived in a rural neighbourhood full of boys and enjoyed being accepted as part of their team play. I hit home-runs, ran fast, swam in the creek, and enjoyed play in all forms. It was the last time I felt I was really free!

Who is your favourite fictional character or famous person over 60?

I think I might have to say Robin Williams as he showed such courage to enrich our lives with humour while drowning in his own world of misery. And in the realms of fiction, Merlin, of course!

You are alone in your house (no pets). You have three minutes to get out before the house collapses and burns to the ground. What one possession would you grab and take with you?

This is not easy as I value the things that trigger memories very highly, but most intangible things are in some cloud somewhere and can be restored. Words and photos. And tangible things are insured … so? I guess it would be a small canvas my eight years old granddaughter Molly gave me, hand painted with a heart and butterfly.

What’s your favourite creative pastime?

Sleeping! In sleep my mind allows me to live out my fantasies, in wakefulness my body screams reality!

Tell us something about yourself that’s surprising or unexpected.

In person, you would find me very shy and insecure!

Send us your flash submissions on our December theme:
a bit of coorie and hygge!

Are you an avid Christmas crafter? Do you run any creative festive workshops for people in your area? Do you have any special winter routines or hobbies that help you to stay cosy and navigate the chilliest months in a state of contentment? Were there any festive or winter traditions you had growing up with your family or friends? If so, we’d love you to tell us about it in a flash submission. It could be a memoir, a short story, an anecdote or a poem.

Ends on December 31st and the author of our favourite entry will win a book prize and have their submission published on the website. Entries are free.

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